
Cirugía general

Enterarte de que tienes que operarte puede parecer abrumador o atemorizante. Pero en Evernorth Care Group, estás en manos de cirujanos certificados comprometidos con tu seguridad y recuperación. Nuestros equipos de cirugía están capacitados en el uso de técnicas mínimamente invasivas que tienen resultados óptimos y menos tiempo de reposo.

Cirugía general Cirugía general
Physician talking to a patient at desk

Atención quirúrgica compasiva

Nuestros cirujanos, anestesistas y enfermeras de confianza trabajan juntos para atenderte de manera compasiva a lo largo de tu experiencia quirúrgica. Estamos contigo durante todo el proceso, para responder tus preguntas y darte tranquilidad. Sabes que esperar en cada paso del camino.

Patient-focused approach

Our team partners with your primary care provider to tailor your procedure to your unique health needs. Surgery teams at Evernorth Care Group offer you:

We designed our state-of-the-art outpatient surgery center with your safety and comfort in mind. Our experienced physicians and surgeons are equipped with the most advanced surgical instruments and technology, optimizing your procedure and minimizing recovery time.

We find well-informed patients have better surgical experiences. That is why our dedicated staff takes time to empower you with information and ensure you know what to expect. We also give you a preoperative checklist to help you prepare for surgery. During your procedure, our nurses review postoperative care with your caregiver, so they can meet your needs at home.

Our care for you continues well after surgery. A few days after your procedure, we speak with you by phone to check your recovery progress and answer questions you may have. We also communicate with your clinical pharmacist and primary care provider to make sure your medications and care plan are current.

Your surgical team includes highly trained health care professionals committed to providing excellent care. Our board-certified general surgeons commonly treat cataracts, foot and ankle injuries and hernias. Your surgeon uses the latest, minimally invasive techniques to reduce side effects and speed your recovery.


Como especialistas en cirugía general, ofrecemos procedimientos personalizados para nuestros pacientes. Puedes confiar en que te brindaremos atención quirúrgica compasiva y resultados óptimos.


Ofrecemos servicios de cirugía general en tres centros en el valle. Pídele una referencia a tu proveedor.

Checking In with Check for a Lump Podcast

Questions about breast cancer detection and treatment? Three of our Evernorth Care Group doctors joined the Checking in with Check for a Lump podcast to discuss different strategies for breast cancer biopsies, surgeries and the recovery process.


Listen by following the links below:

Breast Cancer Surgery Part 1:

Breast Cancer Surgery Part 2:

Recovery from Breast Cancer Surgery & Beyond:

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