Centro de Salud de Westridge


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Atención Primaria
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Entrega de Farmacia
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33.4734047, -112.22357

2302 N. 75th Ave.
Phoenix, AZ 85035
Estados Unidos

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Monday - Friday 8:00am - 5:30pm

El Centro de Salud de Westridge les conecta, a ti y a tus seres queridos, con los servicios de cuidado primario y especializado de calidad que necesitan. Ofrecemos análisis de laboratorio y pruebas de diagnóstico por imágenes, optometría, podiatría, un centro de la vista, servicios de farmacia y mucho más, todo en un solo lugar. Los expertos en servicios pediátricos le dan prioridad a tu hijo, con el asesoramiento médico de expertos y citas en el mismo día. Nuestros geriatras especializados se dedican a atender a nuestros pacientes mayores, para que puedan mantener una buena calidad de vida. Y los especialistas en salud del comportamiento integrados promueven hábitos saludables en el hogar, el trabajo y la escuela.

Cuando necesites opciones flexibles o servicios multilingües, en el Centro de Salud de Westridge podrás obtenerlos. Programa una cita para el mismo día para hacerte análisis de sangre de rutina o pruebas especializadas, o simplemente concurre sin cita previa. Pide medicamentos con receta, que podrás recoger o recibir en tu hogar. Si no puedes visitarnos en persona, un médico certificado podrá atenderte en línea con cómodas citas virtuales, desde tu teléfono, tableta o computadora. En el Centro de Salud de Westridge, nuestra prioridad es que mantengas un buen estado de salud, con un acceso fácil y la atención de expertos.

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Evernorth Care Group

2302 N 75th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85035, USA
83 reviews
Sandra Serrano
a week ago
I had an appointment today (July 10, 2024) at 11:00am. I unfortunately cancelled on the spot. Three patients ahead of me in the line all wanted to talk to a manager or supervisor. The office was very silent so you could hear what two of the patients were upset about. It was a HIPAA violation. I guess the lady was a POA for a patient there and she found out this practice was giving out information regarding the patient to family members who were not on the POA document. She pulled out a whole neat organized binder! The other patient was a man and he too was upset about a HIPAA violation. The other man was talking to a, I am assuming a supervisor so I couldn’t really hear what his issue was (they were at a far corner of the room, from the line). As he walked by the line he pointed out that these people had experienced HIPAA violations as well. So I am assuming he experienced the same thing. I hope these individuals sue and reach out to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR). When I was handed the new patient “packet” it was literally two papers. I read a consent form that was to release images of me for surgery reasons. I marked no and then the rest was about consent to treatment and financial responsibility. There was NO HIPAA document provided! I am a former dental assistant and I know upon new patient or returning patient it is the practices’ responsibility to ALWAYS provide a HIPAA consent form! So I asked the front desk girl kindly, after seeing HIPAA was an issue for their office, if I could have the HIPAA consent form to sign. With an attitude she said, “it’s on that form.” I said, “no this is not strictly HIPAA.” She said, “let me check the iPad.” I waited patiently and then she rudely said, “you have a copay of $30.00.” I said, “ok but I wanna sign that form first.” It took her approximately 20 minutes to give me a form that was NOT even the appropriate form. She left and came back with a Cigna Privacy Policy pdf packet. It was like she found it on a website and printed it out. There was no line at the end of the paper for me to sign nor date. I canceled my appointment because as I said from working within blood banks, dental, pharmacies, etc. I know confidentiality and HIPAA. This was a HUGE red flag. I will be reaching out to the OCR about my experience. Just because we live in a low income community does not mean we are to be discriminated. Just because it’s a low class area does mean we do not know our rights. Also, seeing those patients being older does not mean you can take advantage of them. I hope those patients who had their privacy breached and experienced HIPAA violations from this practice; see this review, press charges, contact the OCR and seek legal advice. As doctors with degrees you know better!! I am in ASU obtaining my degree in political science; and I know my rights and I know HIPAA all from a health class I took to earn a credit. I KNOW you all know better! Your entire degree had an entire segment on how to talk to patients at their level and how to protect their privacy!! So do better!! create a HIPAA form and your patients should NEVER have to ask for the form, it should ALWAYS be given upon their arrival at EVERY visit! Also, I better not have my insurance billed! I asked the girl before canceling if I would receive and penalty fees. She said, “no.” So I am assuming you have cameras; and have that interaction on camera. My advice this place is alarming and lacks ethics and compliance. I am looking into other places to get my health checked out.
Samuel Longoria
9 months ago
Been coming here for over 20 years. The employees are friendly helpful and they care. Adult, pediatric and labs all in one place. Awesome..
Anita l Egelhoff
6 months ago
Love all the staff and well treated and sincere, excellent care
Jan Mendez
2 years ago
The staff has always been friendly. I have never had an unpleasant experience with the staff. However, my experience with Dr. Kranich today was totally different. He is very arrogant. He doesn’t listen. I had my Brother in for a simple pre-op physical. It’s not rocket science. The MA did more than he did. He mentioned some cardiac issue that supposedly my Brother had 22 years ago that neither one of us was aware of and when I asked where he got the information, he said “it doesn’t say”. I scheduled the appointment with him because he had the later appointment which made it easier for me to get off work, even though Dr. Bennett is my Brother’s normal Dr. He said to me “honestly, I don’t know why you just didn’t schedule with Dr. Bennett”. When I told him, all he said was “well, you should have just seen Dr. Bennett”. I couldn’t believe how he had treated both of us. Needless to say, I will most likely have to reschedule my Brothers procedure because of him. They did not even do an EKG or anything. I am definitely not happy with him and will probably end up changing his PCP because I want someone who will listen and not think he is better than everyone else.
Breakeven Paradox
a year ago
kids dpt is great. clean fast friendly. can get nxt day appts. dr wysoski is super awesome. my kids love her. if you go ask for her. dr tocyap seemed far less attentive and less personable. if you go to adult side then they are just ok. seem like they are just there for the paycheck. they dismiss your concerns so they dont have to treat you. adult appts are about 2mo out so hope you can wait to be treated. dr wysoski is the kids nurses are the only reason this place achieved 4 stars. deff dont bother the records staff for anything. they are apparantly too overworked or something to just smile.